Friday, June 5, 2020

Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Oh no! 0000000

Every birthday that ends in a zero is a significant milestone, and today I am reaching a big one.
As I enter the third stage of life, I thought that this number sounds sooo big…(because it is big,) that I decided to insert the chapter about age in my book "Fulfill your Dreams."
After all, I should also listen to my own advice.

Chapter 3


Many people told me that I was mad.
How could I think of going around the world by myself?
As a woman?
Without much money?
At my age?

It was bad enough that some people did not think I could do this, because I am a female, and would be traveling alone, but did they have to throw in my age? I am not that young, but I am not that old either. I refuse to be old.
Where does it say that only young people can backpack or gallivant through the world?
I have a lot of energy, and I am in great shape. Because I am a little older, hopefully, I have more common sense. (Yeah, sure.)

However, what's age?
Your chronological age?
Your mental age?
Your biological age?
Your physical age?
Age is just an abstract number.
We all have those different ages within ourselves.

Our chronological age
This is the age we count from birth and celebrate every year.

Our mental age
This is the age we feel.
Mentally I feel different ages depending on the situation. In some instances, I am twenty years old; at other moments, I am twenty-eight years old. Very seldom I feel all grown-up at thirty-something. However, when my daughter reprimands me for spoiling my granddaughter, I feel like a 5-year old being sent to sit in the corner.
It's all relative.
Your mental age depends on your outlook on life, and in the future. It would be best if you kept your mind young, open to new adventures, free to accept life as it is, and remember not to pin all your hopes in the future and overlook the now. Live and enjoy the present, and the future will come along. Don't forget to smell the flowers and don't take yourself too seriously, life is too short for that.

Our biological age
Some people are 30 years old and have the energy of a 50-year-old.
Some people (like me) are at a "mature age and have the energy of a 20-year -old. 

Our physical age
Your physical age depends on your mental age and your diet, on how you take care of yourself, not just on the outside, but on the inside too.

It would be best if you exercised to keep your body tone. Do yoga and meditate. There is nothing better for cleansing the mind than meditation. By meditation, I don't mean you have to do it intensively. If you want to do it intensively, fine, but sometimes just sitting quietly for a while is all you need. Or sitting in front of the sea or looking at a mountain or the countryside, just relaxing. Find something you enjoy, which relaxes you, and do it every day, even if it is only for ten minutes. After relaxing you will see things more clearly, you will have more energy, and you will feel better all around.

Eat well; that means plenty of vegetables and fruits, not too much meat, carbohydrates, or sugars. (This is one of those do as I say, not as I do)

Use plenty of moisturizers. Buy the best you can afford and try to buy natural products. I use Premier or Dermalogica, as do my daughter and granddaughter (they have a teens line). Still, there are many other excellent natural products out there like Aveda or Bare Essentials. Remember, you only have one face, so take care of it. Just remember when you put moisturizer to include your neck and chest. That goes for you men also; you need moisturizer just as much as we do.

Make water your friend. I drink a glass of water first thing every morning. Then I drink about six to eight more glasses during the day, in summer even more. If you don't like plain water, add a slice of lemon or lime, and it will taste better and more refreshing.
Now, I am a big believer that a glass of red wine with every meal is good for your health. If you don't believe me, ask the French, they have no cholesterol at all. Also, a little cognac or scotch is good for you too. Keep in mind that the keyword here is: little.

Your genes play a significant role too. Nevertheless, you can't rely on genes alone; they need all the help they can get.

How old am I?
It does not matter.
I am:
At a stage in my life where I feel that I am at the age of being free.
At an age where I don't worry about whether people agree with my lifestyle or not.
At the age where I can say what I feel or think without worrying whether everybody will agree with me. Just remember not to offend anybody. Only because you speak your mind doesn't mean you don't have to consider other people's feelings.
At an age where I can live the way I want, not the way it's dictated by society.
At an age where I can be me and live my dreams.

We should not limit ourselves because of a number.
Forget about the numbers.
Just be you.
Be the best you can be and live your dreams as I am living mine, without regrets, without limitations, and just let yourself be as young as you feel.
After all, life is too short, and I wanted to enjoy mine now, just as you should be enjoying yours.
Don't wait till tomorrow because it might not come.
Be thankful for today, and make the most out of it, don't take anything for granted and enjoy the beautiful day that you are experiencing right now.
Learn to enjoy today and cherish the moment, because this moment won't occur again.