Friday, May 17, 2013

Aix in Provence

The winds are changing one more time so after 3 months on the French Riviera it’s time to move to different pastures and this time I am going to Germany.
On my way to my new destination and before leaving this beautiful country I CouchSurfed for 3 days in Aix of Provence with a very nice and friendly young woman.
Aix it’s a beautiful city with your typical old part with the narrow cobble stones streets bordered by many restaurants and cafes. Due to the narrow streets they have these little buses that goes through the old town, they are so cute...
There are many fountains, like every other corner has a fountain, all of them very pretty.
The most famous of the fountains is La Rotonde which is situated between the old and new city. It has three statutes representing justice, agriculture and art.
I really liked the hot spring fountain that is covered in moss, it was really pretty.
The second night we went to see a theater production at the local university. After the two hours long play was over I told my host that I did not understand the play and she told me that she neither   and she is French, so the language was not the problem. I always question myself when I don’t understand something, and most of the time it’s not me, nevertheless, many times it is me.
Oh well…..
Aix was founded by the romans and it became a great city under their ruling and famous for its thermal baths.
Aix is a University town, so of course there is great night life and many bars, cafes and restaurants.  
Beautiful city….