Monday, June 25, 2012


After 6 days at sea we arrived at Santa Cruz, Tenerife.
Santa Cruz is the capital of Tenerife and Tenerife is the largest island of the 7 Canary Islands.
We arrived at 8 am and were departing at 2 pm. now, this being a Sunday, everything was close, but the time the town starting to come alive it was time for us to leave.
I went walking with this one young American guy and two German girls. We went to the market and after that we took the tram to La Laguna which is a patrimonial town per UNESCO.
The town was very nice, as most patrimony towns are.
It was a festival in town, staring at 1 pm, so a lot of people were dress in their traditional customs. Of course we could not go because we needed to be at the ship by 1:30. Oh well…
Tenerife has the third largest volcano in the world named El Teide.
One more day at sea and then Malaga, Spain.
I know, I am short.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

In the middle of the sea

We had 6 beautiful days at sea, it did not seem like if we were in the middle of the Atlantic, the sea did not move. the last few days we got a little rocking, nothing to talk about, it just made it even better to sleep in that gentle rocking, (like if I need help).
Everyday was the same, breakfast, dancing, lunch, movie, sauna, snack, dancing, dinner, game, dancing, whirlpool, sleep.

I saw:
      • ·         Jack and Jill with Adam Sandler. Typical Adam Sandler.
      • ·         The Muppets with Jason Segal and Amy Adams. I really like it, it was like a Muppet show should be, cute, musical, reminiscence of past times. *****
      • ·         The War Horse by Steven Spielberg, I don’t know any of the actors in it. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to see it because the name did not make it sound like a good movie. Oh, how I cried, it was so sad…so good… I really enjoyed it. *****
      • ·         J. Edgar directed by Clint Eastwood, starring Leonardo de Caprio. It was a great performance by de Caprio, he made you feel sympathy for the man, you felt sorry for him even when you did not like what he was doing, he showed his humanity even when he was being a tyrant. I am not too impartial to Cling Eastwood, I like every everything he has directed. ****
      • ·         The artist, with Jean Dujardin     , another one that I wasn’t sure if I wanted to see and what a beautiful, great movie turned up to be. So touching, so well done, the cinematography was excellent, the acting was excellent, you knew exactly what they were trying to said without them saying a word, just by their expression, and the transition from silent to speaking was great, just great.*****
      • ·         Twilight saga “Breaking dawn”. Nice views and scenery, however just as slow as the other ones, still I have seen them all and I have read all the books too, so I can’t complain.*